2017-01-18 / industry
There are a lot of trending topics when it comes to code, and trying to keep up with everything thats going on is a full-time job on its own. If youre wondering how to separate the wheat from the chaff, weve gone ahead and done the work for you. In the following post, well check out what was hot in 2016, and whats about to get even hotter this year. Java-wise, of course. Get ready to code like its 2017. Java 9, Youre So Fine You Blow My Mind We opened the year with a bug in Java 6 that is about to turn into a feature in Java 9:sun.misc.Unsafe. This library is a collection of methods for perfor[…]
by Henn Idan
2016-12-07 / Technology research
Programming is an industry thats constantly moving forward. At some point, you might take an honest look at your own skills and conclude that youve fallen behind the curve. When youre a professional this is easy to do because the chances are you have no need to push yourself day in and day out. But sooner or later falling behind the trends will come back to bite you. Youll be less competitive in business and in the job market. So how do you get back on top of your game again? Use Your Knowledge in a New Way The biggest reason why people fall behind is that theyre not doing anything different. […]
by Carol Jon
2016-11-15 / Other
I recently had the utterly terrifying experience of giving a guest lecture to an MIT computer science class on technical communication/public speaking. To my relief, things went quite well, and it was awesome to peel back the curtain a bit and give students a perspective on what actually happens inside companies when theyre hiring. Before my talk, I sent out a survey to see which job-hunt related topics were most interesting, and in addition to the usual stuff about technical interviewing and negotiation, one of the more sought-after topics was how to vet companies during the interview process[…]
by Aline Lerner
2016-10-09 / industry
Im a big supporter of helping software developers develop soft skills in addition to their technical skills in fact,I wrote a complete book about it but there is no denying:technical skills are important. I mean, if you cant actually write code and develop software, all the soft skills you learn wont really do you much good. Perhaps youd make a good manager or coach, but not a software developer. But if you are reading this section of the book, Im assuming you are interested in becoming a software developer or a better one so lets talk aboutthe technical skills you are going to need to know. T[…]
by John Sonmez
2016-09-13 / industry
Most developers I meet arent big fans of testing. A few are but most dont do it, would rather not do it, or only do it begrudgingly. I love testing and happily spend more time on tests than writing new code. Id argue that its because of the focus on testing that I can spend less time writing new code or fixing bugs and still be very productive. If youre unsure of writing tests or dont do a lot of it, the following will point you in a better direction. 1.Not doing it. Its an easy trap to fall into but one without an excuse. Make plans to start adding tests to the code youre working on now and a[…]
by Matt Lacey
2016-08-05 / other
In this post we are going to discuss a few points which you need to take care of in order to be a successful software engineer. We all are software engineers, we create software, but are we the only people who work for it? Absolutely not. Am I right? There are few pretty good cycle or steps to be followed. Here we are not going to discuss about that. There is a saying: When you do your duty well, theres no need to worry about the other things. So let us see what are all the things we need to keep in mind to make our software successful, in that way we can also be a successful software engineer[…]
by Sibeesh Venu